Our Groups

Many different groups contribute to the worship life and ministry of St. Martin’s, including Home Groups, Ladies Guild, Men’s group and study groups and clubs.

If you wish to join in any of our community groups please feel free to contact the church office on 83372993

Home Group
These groups are about friendships.
Home groups meet monthly, mostly for social activities or discussing topics chosen by members. They are a good way to know others in a relaxed atmosphere.

Ladies Guild
A group of women who meet monthly and share lunch and friendship, often at a local venue, and who support different mission causes, for example, Samaritan’s Purse, Bible Society, just to name two missions they endorse.

Men’s Group
Similarly, a group of men meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. Activities include speakers, outings, an annual dinner and much fellowship. You are welcome to come along! 

Pastoral Care Group
This group provides practical assistance to those who are in some sort of need. This could include meals, visits at home or in hospital, help with everyday tasks, transport or just someone to talk to.

The Pastoral Care Group is supported by a prayer chain – a group of parishioners who pray for those with a special need.

Movie Club
A group of women who meet monthly and share lunch and friendship, often at a local venue, and who support different mission causes, for example, Samaritan’s Purse, Bible Society, just to name two missions they endorse. It meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. 

Book Club
The book club meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Members choose and read books of a wide variety supplied by Campbelltown library and meet to share their impressions and opinions.

Walking Group
Meets every Tuesday at 9am, when they normally walk for an hour, exchange conversation and have a cuppa afterwards.


Please contact the Parish Admin office on 8337 2993 for more information on any of the above groups.