CMS Mission Focus: monthly lunch, prayer and mission updates
1st Sunday in each month – 12.30 -2.30pm (NOT June or January) in Martin’s Space
RSVP by the Thursday before to the Office ( for catering.
CMS Events:
Annual Online Winter Dinner – 3rd Wednesday in June – online group here in Martin’s Space
Annual Summer Conference – 3rd weekend in January at Edwardstown Baptist Church
GRACE CONFERENCE is an annual conference for women. Since Covid it has been held on-line with local hubs/gatherings. Martin’s Space hosts this on the last Saturday of May. This conference is for any woman who wants to know what the Bible shows us about Jesus and what it means to belong to him.
Be encouraged and watch this space for 2024!
A series of 11 interactive sessions that explore life, faith and meaning.
Location: In Martin’s Space
Tuesday GROW Group:
A weekly Bible conversation and prayer group during School Term
7.30pm – 9.30pm
CONTACT: Mary Lewis 0401 569 224 or Julie Tamblyn 8337 0561
Wednesday Prayer and Study:
11.30am – 1.30pm weekly during School Term
Morning Prayer – Bible Study – Lunch
In Martins Space
CONTACT: Mary Lewis 0401 569 224
St Barnabas College is a welcoming place for all people, exercising an approach of generous orthodoxy in its teaching and learning programmes, and its communication and support to Clergy and Lay people across the Province of South Australia.
Coming up in 2024 in the Community of Learning
This year, the St Barnabas College Community of Learning will offer a range of courses within three programs designed to equip people, parishes, clergy, community and organisational with the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to grow in faith, love and discipleship in the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide and wider Province of South Australia. The programs are:
- Developing Leaders: building capacity in our parishes
- Inclusion in our Parishes: encouraging fellowship in our parishes
- Gathering in Parishes: growing discipleship in our parishes
You can find more information here, including topics. Some dates have been set; others are in development. More information will be made available soon.
For the Love of God, the Adelaide Anglicans Conference 2024, Saturday 20th April 2024 is a great opportunity to gather as the whole family of God. The conference is a day for both laity and clergy. The day will stimulate and equip us to grow in discipleship, as we listen to each other and celebrate our shared life, and to do it all for the love of God.
Everyone is invited to our conference at St Peter’s Girls, Stonyfell. This includes parishioners, lay leaders and clergy, as well as our curious or lapsed friends and family.
More information will be made available soon, in the meantime, save the date!
Six Early Church Theologians
Are you interested in exploring how early theologians contributed to our Church beliefs, and remain relevant to liturgy, homiletics and theology today?
Join St Barnabas College Senior Lecturer Rev’d Dr Rodney Fopp for a 12 week, supported online course in which you will learn about six theologians of the first 7 centuries of the Church. The course starts semester 1, 2024.
For more information, including what you will learn and how the course will be taught, click here.
The Gospel of Mark in an Era of Loneliness:
A free public lecture with The Rev’d Dr Michael Trainor, Catholic theologian, academic and parish priest will be hold on Thursday, 29 February 2024. For more information and tickets, visit the booking site.
This lecture is brought to you by St Barnabas College and St Peter’s Cathedral.