Our Services

Ordinary Services

9 am Sundays
These services all follow the Anglican tradition, using the second order Holy Communion Service

At Sunday worship we aim to inspire and nurture traditional Anglican services with good preaching and teaching and liturgical order, with inspiring traditional music and hymns along with some contemporary songs and a singing group to enhance our worship

We endeavor to create a balance between celebrating the best of the Anglican tradition and making it as easy as possible for people who are new to church to feel comfortable and involved. 

On the fourth Sunday we also have a special healing service. You can receive anointing and prayers for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

People from the congregation contribute to running the service as lay assistants, readers, prayer leaders and preachers. These people consider it a privilege to serve in this way. It also leads to variety and involvement.

Our singing is led by a lead singer and occasionally a small group.

10.30am Wednesday

These weekly services provide a prayerful time in the middle of the week, so often needed for those with busy lives. This is an opportunity to be part of traditional Anglican worship.

It is at 10.30am until 11.00am.

This later hour and a shorter service than the Sunday worship make it especially convenient for the aged and infirm and for those with young children. It is also an opportunity to socialise with old friends – or new ones!

The traditional cuppa and chat follows

A mid-week service is also provided for the regular weekly communicant who happens to miss a Sunday.

Special Services

Pancake evening at St Martin’s – come and enjoy both savoury and sweet pancakes. Starts at 6 pm with a special Shrove Tuesday Liturgy.
Cost $15.00, children under 12 years free, BYO alcohol or soft drinks. (Soft drinks will be available for a small cost.)

At the 9 am service Simnel cake will be distributed.
A special Mothering Sunday liturgy will be part of the celebrations at the 9 am service.

Palm Sunday
9.00 am Procession, Story Telling and Holy Communion with the distribution of Palm Crosses.

Wednesday in Holy Week
10.30 am Eucharist

Maundy Thursday
6.00pm Dinner

7.00 pm A Service of Foot Washing

Good Friday – 
9.00 am Stations of the Cross Morning Prayers and Passion Readings 

Easter Saturday

5.00pm An Easter Reflection and Supper

Easter Day
6.00 am New Fire, Holy Communion and Breakfast 

9.00 am Celebration with Holy Communion

Christmas Eve
4 pm Eucharist
11 pm Eucharist

Christmas day
9am Eucharist

For further enquiries please contact the Parish Office – Telephone 8337 2993 regarding all services [Thursdays 10am – 1pm]